​​The importance of hydrating your intimate area!

How moisturised are your lips? 👀  

We don't mean those lips, we mean those lips - down there. 

Ok to be more specific, your whole entire intimate area, or to use medical terms, we’re talking about the vulva! 

I’m sure you’ve seen us rave about the importance of keeping your intimate area hydrated, but if not by the end of this post you definitely will.

As womxn, we don’t actually realise that intimate dryness is not just internal. Of course, moisture helps with lubrication of the vagina, however, the vulva needs hydrating too, and unfortunately, water is not always enough. 

Did you know that lack of moisture on the skin of your vulva could be one of the reasons why you suffer from ingrown hairs? See our post on ingrowns here.

It’s true, and dryness can also make sugaring treatments a little more painful, why? Sugaring adheres to dry skin cells so the drier the area, the more chance of the area becoming over-exfoliated and irritated.

Dryness can also cause the skin to become more irritated when you are menstruating or when you urinate. These are some of the key reasons why moisturisation should be high on the priority list whilst carrying out your intimate care routine.

However, in the name of intimate health, you shouldn’t use just anything and everything down there. Using the wrong products can actually do more harm than good (more on this below).

At S&S, we’re all about using products that are natural and kind to our skin and bodies. 

A brand you’ll see plenty across S&S is Lip Intimate Care, a brand designed with your vagina and vulva in mind. The Lip Organic Intimate Oil is a gentle oil, that cleanses, moisturises, and nurtures the skin. It suits anyone wanting a healthier alternative to soap and wants to keep things balanced down there. It’s also ideal for anyone with recurring vulva issues, pregnant, breastfeeding, or going through menopause or stress.

The Lip Balm is another amazing product, this multi-purpose intimate care balm, moisturises, soothes, and protects the vulva. The balm hydrates and protects dry and irritated vulva tissue, as well as acts as a preventative and curative barrier for chafing. You can purchase both on the S&S Retail Store or in the S&S Studio.

Whilst on your quest to combat vaginal dryness, please note that not all body products can be used in and on your intimate area. It’s important to research, certain products can increase vaginal dryness and even cause irritation and imbalances to the vagina’s PH levels. 

Things that should be avoided or reduced to combat vaginal dryness:

  • Use a washing detergent free from dyes, bleaching agents, and perfumes

  • Do not use fabric softener on your underwear 

  • Avoid bath soaps, lotions, gels, etc. that contain perfumes. 

  • Avoid all bubble baths, bath bombs, and artificially scented oils.

  • Wear breathable fabric underwear such as 100% cotton or bamboo

  • Stay away from panty liners, pads, or tampons that are made from synthetic fibers. Stick to 100% cotton and change frequently 

  • Pat dry rather than rubbing with a towel - or even better air dry or use a hairdryer on a cool setting 

  • Avoid all ‘feminine’ hygiene sprays, perfumes, adult, or baby wipes, especially if scented

  • Avoid birth control that may cause vaginal dryness - if this is a symptom you are experiencing seek medical advice from your GP or sexual health nurse 

  • If sexually active, use water-based lubricants and condoms that are fragrance-free 

We know that may be a lot to take in, but some of the above could be the cause of any issues you’re having with your vulva.

So we hope you’re doing your best to stay on top of your vulva health and if you haven’t already, adding intimate hydration to your skincare routine. If you have any vulva questions, feel free to drop us a dm on our Instagram, and head over to the S&S Store to see the full range of products we stock to make your body care routine more straightforward, stress-free, and most importantly safe.

Speak soon sweet,

Team S&S




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