all things Sugaring

What is Sugaring?

Sugaring is an all natural, vegan and cruelty-free hair removal technique that has been practiced for centuries, originating in the Middle East. At S&S we specialise in the modern method of sugaring which is heavily influenced by the ancient method as we know it.

We’ve been trained and qualified by the best, Tamara’s Sugar UK (formally London Sugaring Company) and we use Tamara’s certified organic sugar paste, made ONLY from sugar, water and citric acid (lemon). The paste is used to extract body hair directly from the hair follicle.

Many confuse sugaring and waxing to be the same, but they are not. Wax contains 'resins' and is 'insoluble' to water where sugaring does/is not. Wax also adheres to live skin cells which in turn may cause trauma to the skin. The sugar paste is applied to the body with a gloved hand, there are no sticks or strips involved.


The Process

The sugar paste is applied in the opposite direction to the hair growth and removed using a 'flicking' motion in the same direction as the hair growth. This results in minimal hair breakages, less pain, and minimal ingrown hairs.

Find out to prep for your sugaring appointment, and all things aftercare on our blog.

Want to find out more about the history of sugaring? Check out our blog.

Sugaring Benefits

all Natural

Sugaring is 100% natural, vegan, organic, cruelty-free and hypoallergenic, making it sensitive skin-friendly and a natural exfoliant.

Minimal risk
of burning

The sugar paste is warmed to body temperature, meaning there is minimal risk of your skin burning. Sugaring does not adhere to live skin cells unlike wax (no broken skin).


No sticks or strips, just a biodegradable gloved hand.

It can lead to hair
growth reduction

Regular treatments encourage hair refining which over time can lead to a permanent reduction of hair growth.

We offer a dual service

The only hair removal technique that can be done prior to a spray tan.


Intimate Sugaring

We understand how daunting the idea of intimate sugaring can be, especially if it’s your first time experiencing professional hair removal. 


Here is our pledge to you

We pledge to ensure that all of our clients feel safe, comfortable, and calm during their S&S treatments. We are very thorough and remain professional during the duration of your treatment, from giving you an in-depth skin analysis to a first class hair removal service. 

During ALL treatments, your modesty is always protected and privacy is a given, before and after your treatment. We promise you are in safe, caring hands at S&S.

Still want to see more about how sugaring works?

Watch some of our sugaring videos here.